Scrub Cap Donation Pt. 1
Over the past weeks, we have been watching the news and learned that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for healthcare workers is running out at a significantly fast rate in the US. We watched as nurses and doctors talked about having to reuse the same face masks and other protection gear everyday. We read about healthcare workers who lost their lives, who fell ill, and the hundreds that have been forced to quarantine themselves. We recently learned that our aunt, who is a nurse, works on the MICU Covid-19 positive floor of her hospital and is in the same situation. Our hearts dropped; this is not just a headline on the news anymore- this is someone who is close to us and is constantly exposing herself to a deadly infected environment without enough proper protection. We asked if she was afraid and she simply replied: “Emily and Ethan, I am but this is my duty. If you become a nurse, you will do the same!”
We told ourselves that we had to do something to help these frontline medical workers. If not now, then when? Those medical workers are someone’s mother, father, sister and brother. If we lose one, it means a family is broken. Shortage of the N95 masks are the biggest concerns for medical workers, however, providing the wrong quality would bring more danger to them and patients. One item that our aunt told us they are in need of are scrub caps. These not only protect the patients, but can also help prevent medical workers from being contaminated by the virus.